
With the passion, expertise and experience of the fashion savvy head of the company, Denim Revival has been making a name for itself in the industry since the company first started. Our innovative and result oriented denim repair services provide clients with a whole new way to take care of their denim problems. The response that resulted to our great customer service, unique alteration service and exceptional value for money has been tremendous.

The Woman Behind Denim Revival

Anahit Anny Adamyan – Los Angeles
Gayane Adamyan – Las Vegas

As one of the most popular and acknowledged professional in the industry, Anny and Gayane are dedicated to finding new solutions in custom design and denim alteration.

Professional, Affordable Services

Having repaired thousands of denims, Denim Revival continues to deliver its promise of professional, affordable alteration services to its clients. Our goal is to continue delivering services our clients love and developing new services that will benefit them.